Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet
Lord bouquet

Lord bouquet


negotiate the price with us
Price from Price from 1,501 €

    lord bouquet - Ø 57cm, H 73,5cm, shade diam. 20cm
    lord bouquet - Ø 57cm, H 99,5 - 127cm, shade diam. 20cm
    lord bouquet - Ø 57cm, H 129,5 - 187cm, shade diam. 20cm
    lord bouquet grand - Ø 78cm, H 101,5cm, shade diam. 30cm
    lord bouquet grand - Ø 78cm, H 127,5 - 155cm, shade diam. 30cm
    lord bouquet grand - Ø 78cm, H 157,5 - 215cm, shade diam. 30cm

    Light sources

    smoked and brown glass - Type LED,E27, Count 4, IP 20, Power 4W,8,5W, Count 4, Power 4W, Color 2200 K
    opal glass - Type LED,E27, Count 4, IP 20, Power 4W,8,5W, Count 4, Power 8,5W, Color 2700 K


    Shade - hand-blown glass
    Structure - steel, brass
    Additional elements - dimmer


    Glass elements - smoked, opal, bronze
    Metal elements - steel, brass, black
    A celestial body comprised of blown tinted glass and suspended from a spun metallic cap, Lord’s minimal spherical form recalls the earliest references to paradise – once lost, but now found.
    • More details in the Product Sheet.

The data contained on the website is solely commercial information and does not constitute an offer in accordance with Art. 66, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code. We apologize for any errors. Please contact us for individual pricing.