Tom Dixon

What makes Tom Dixon stand out?

A British luxury design brand founded in 2002 specializing in furniture, lighting and accessories. Thanks to the aesthetics inspired by the brand's British roots, these products enjoy international recognition. Founder and eponymous creative director Tom Dixon is a restless innovator who rose to fame in the mid-1980s as an independent, untrained designer specializing in welded reclaimed furniture. Working with the Italian giant, Cappellini designed the highly acclaimed "S" chair. Award-winning Tom Dixon is one of the most respected British designers in the industry and is recognized around the world as an extremely original talent.
from to

Tom Dixon

Base | Wall lamps

Price from Price from 673 €

Tom Dixon

Base floor | Floor lamps

Price from Price from 1,037 €

Tom Dixon

Base table | Table lamps

Price from Price from 476 €

Tom Dixon

Beat black | Floor lamps

Price from Price from 1,101 €

Tom Dixon

Beat black | Desk lamps

Price from Price from 620 €

Tom Dixon

Beat black | Wall lamps

Price from Price from 493 €

Tom Dixon

Beat brass | Floor lamps

Price from Price from 1,101 €

Tom Dixon

Beat brass | Desk lamps

Price from Price from 620 €

Tom Dixon

Beat fat | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 509 €
A Thoughtful Choice At Mesmetric, you’ll find products of exceptional quality, made to stand the test of time.
Quality and durability are the best way to safeguard your investments.
And the most sustainable option too.

Tom Dixon

Beat fat | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 509 €

Tom Dixon

Beat fat grey | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 375 €

Tom Dixon

Beat fat white | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 509 €

Tom Dixon

Beat light stout | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 1,306 €

Tom Dixon

Beat stout brass | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 1,306 €

Tom Dixon

Beat stout grey | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 913 €

Tom Dixon

Beat stout white | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 1,306 €

Tom Dixon

Beat tall | Pendant lamps

Price from Price from 509 €
Quality and Art These two values are universal, and they alone have the chance to withstand the test of time.

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